Hammer & Saw’s most recent creation Exit 7A was selected for an International award, the Deadline Award 2013 at the 14th annual Landshut Short Film Festival, located in Landshut Germany. The Deadline award is a special award for an outstanding horror, mystery, fantasy, or thriller short film.
“Exit 7A is a perfect short film. It is a complex story, told in a few minutes, with perfect twists and a punch at the end. There was no discussion, we saw Exit 7A and it was in competition,” observed Landshut Founder and Festival Director Michael Orth.
The winner of the Deadline Award will be selected March 13th- 18th during the Landshut Short Film festival.
William Peters and Michael Mooney, both Colby-Sawyer alumni, created Hammer & Saw Films in 2008. Peters wrote and directed Hammer & Saw’s first short film Motel, which won the “Best of Fest” award at Somewhat North of Boston Film Festival (SNOB) and Rochester International Film Festival.
Exit 7A was based on a short story written by Adjunct Professor and Colby-Sawyer alumni Asher Ellis and directed by Peters. This film stars Colby-Sawyer alumni Ben Watts, Michael Mooney, Angela Borrello, Joshua Heggie, Linda Lambert, Jay Lambert and Jerry Bliss. The film is a thriller/horror film about a hitchhiker who warns her driver that she is on her way to kill someone who lives off of Exit 7A. This short-film has been both a local and an international success.
Hammer & Saw Films most recent productions are The Checkup and It’s Not Not Safe. Both were produced in conjunction with Windcrossing Productions and were both recently released to the public via Facebook.
Keep up to date with Hammer & Saw Films via Facebook or by going onto www.hammerandsawfilms.com.
26 April 2013
All American Zombie Drugs Available Online Exculsively at Vimeo
Midnight Releasing's All American Zombie Drugs released on DVD earlier this week and it's coming to all Cable and Internet VOD in June. In the meantime, due to incredible demand, we've made it available online exclusively at Vimeo On Demand until Sunday, May 5th.
The limited two-weekend viewing period offers some instant gratification to viewers who prefer to watch online, though it doesn't offer all the special features available on the DVD.
For more information and to watch it tonight visit http://vimeo.com/ondemand/zombiedrugs
Tyler Mane's Compound Fracture to Screen at The Texas Theatre
To coincide with his appearance at Texas Frightmare Weekend, Tyler Mane will be hosting a special presentation of his new film Compound Fracture and YOU are invited!! The event is taking place at The Texas Theatre on May 2, 2013. As an added bonus, purchase your tickets through Eventbrite using this link, 10% of your ticket sale will go toward our annual fundraiser, Twisted Tails Film Festival, benefiting Paws in the City.
From the press release:
Dallas, TX (April 5, 2013) – Tyler Mane (HALLOWEEN, X-MEN, TROY) brings his new supernatural horror movie COMPOUND FRACTURE to Dallas, Texas during a double feature event that also includes Rob Zombie’s HALLOWEEN at The Texas Theatre on May 2, 2013 for ONE NIGHT ONLY.
Hardcore horror fans will have the opportunity to meet the actor and watch the film with Mane, who played Michael Myers in both Rob Zombie films HALLOWEEN and HALLOWEEN II and now stars in the next-level horror production COMPOUND FRACTURE.
Ticket buyers will be able to choose between three levels of access: the General Admission Ticket to view COMPOUND FRACTURE, the VIP Silver Ticket to view the Double Feature which includes meet and greet with Mane and Geerlings, special collectible wristband, and automatic entry into the nightly prize drawing, and for those who want more one on one time with Tyler Mane, the VIP Gold Ticket will give all the perks of the VIP Silver plus a full-sized movie poster and access to the private after party with the horror superstar. The Grand Prize nightly drawing winner will continue to the final drawing at the end of the multiple-city tour and will be eligible to win a host of prizes, including the chance to be killed by Mane in his next film, PENANCE LANE, or to win the actor’s screen-worn Michael Myers HALLOWEEN jumpsuit.
Tickets are now on sale at www.CompoundFractureTheMovie.com

With consistently positive reviews, COMPOUND FRACTURE stars Tyler Mane (HALLOWEEN, X-MEN, TROY), Muse Watson (Ben Willis from I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER, NCIS), Derek Mears (Jason from FRIDAY THE 13th, HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCHUNTERS), Leslie Easterbrook (THE DEVIL’S REJECTS, Rob Zombie’s HALLOWEEN), Todd Farmer (DRIVE ANGRY, MY BLOODY VALENTINE, JASON X) and Daniel Roebuck (LOST, Rob Zombie’s HALLOWEEN I and II, FINAL DESTINATION).
Be sure to check out the video interviews with producers of the film as well as the audience reviews from the Greensboro, NC screening on March 28, 2013.
Hayride Coming to DVD, Redbox and Netflix May 7th
Midnight Releasing’s next big horror film release Hayride will be hitting shelves on May 7th, 2013. Hayride will also be available for rental at Redbox and is currently able to be saved in Netflix user’s queue.
About the Film
Hayride is the birth of a new horror icon named Pitchfork who comes to terrorize the residents of a Southern Alabama town during their annual haunted hayride event. The film features the acting talents of Richard Tyson, who has appeared in such films as Black Hawk Down, There’s Something About Mary and Kingpin.
Netflix subscribers can save the film to their queue here: http://dvd.netflix.com/Movie/Hayride/70271390/
Full Synopsis:
Steven Summers returns home to southern Alabama from college with his girlfriend Amanda to attend his uncle's annual Haunted Hayride. Unaware that an escaped killer is on the loose, Steven will soon face the real life embodiment of PITCHFORK, a character his uncle created for the Hayride and Steven's childhood tormentor. Steven will soon realize that not all childhood fears are imagined when the legend of Pitchfork suddenly becomes dangerously real...
Trailer: http://midnightreleasing.com/hayride/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HayrideMovie
Studio: www.MidnightReleasing.com
About Midnight Releasing
Midnight Releasing is an established distributor of quality independent films in the North American marketplace.
About the Film
Hayride is the birth of a new horror icon named Pitchfork who comes to terrorize the residents of a Southern Alabama town during their annual haunted hayride event. The film features the acting talents of Richard Tyson, who has appeared in such films as Black Hawk Down, There’s Something About Mary and Kingpin.
Netflix subscribers can save the film to their queue here: http://dvd.netflix.com/Movie/Hayride/70271390/
Full Synopsis:
Steven Summers returns home to southern Alabama from college with his girlfriend Amanda to attend his uncle's annual Haunted Hayride. Unaware that an escaped killer is on the loose, Steven will soon face the real life embodiment of PITCHFORK, a character his uncle created for the Hayride and Steven's childhood tormentor. Steven will soon realize that not all childhood fears are imagined when the legend of Pitchfork suddenly becomes dangerously real...
Trailer: http://midnightreleasing.com/hayride/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HayrideMovie
Studio: www.MidnightReleasing.com
About Midnight Releasing
Midnight Releasing is an established distributor of quality independent films in the North American marketplace.
Little Mermaid Live Action Horror Feature in Pre-Production
Nothing grabs your attention like a headline that reads "Can't get enough evil mermaids?"
The producers of the short film "The Little Mermaid", (the one that took top prize at LA's Screamfest in 2011), are now producing a feature-length version shooting this Fall in Vancouver BC.
Title: The Little Mermaid
Tag Line: Everyone's Dying to See the Show...
Log Line: Patrons of a 1930s sideshow of “Living Aquatic Oddities” become trapped underground by a massive dust storm and are threatened by strange creatures (and each other) as they search for a way out.
Why should you care?
1. The short was awesome, it is currently the 4th most popular out of 108 shorts on FEARnet, and the whole team is back to work on the new project
2. The film will feature dozens of new "Living Aquatic Oddities" - beautiful and horrific creatures all created via practical FX by a fan-favourite "SyFy: Face Off" contestant-lead team
3. Evil mermaids rule
Why the Little Mermaid, why practical FX?
From Executive Producer and Production Designer Jessica Leigh Clark-Bojin:
"Dark fantasy is a great genre - we all love these classic worlds and characters, but as we've aged our tastes have morphed away from the "Disneys" and towards the "del Toros." Based on the reception of the short, we think there is definitely an appetite for a different type of mermaid tale - one with a more relatable human component and bittersweet tinge in keeping with the spirit of the original story.
The decision to go all-practical on the FX for this creature-laden film was an easy one for us - we grew up on diet of 80s classics like John Carpenter's The Thing, Alien, The Fly, and Poltergeist. While the prevalence of affordable technology has put CG FX in the hands of every indie producer, there's just no substitute for a real actor responding to a real creature there on set. Plus we get to cover everyone in goo. That's always a bonus."
Director Nicholas Humphries, producer Lindsey Mann, and makeup department head Sarah Elizabeth will be reprising their roles on the project, with the addition of head writer Bob Woolsey to the above the line crew. The film is set to shoot in Vancouver in September 2013.
To follow the film's progress and get the inside scoop on all their "practical creature creation" secrets, visit the Facebook page:www.facebook.com/LittleMermaidFilm
You can also watch the short film now on FEARnet: www.fearnet.com/shorts/little-mermaid
Truth or Dare Unleashes New Teaser Trailer
Jessica Cameron’s new film has a new teaser trailer today which can be seen below:
“Truth or Dare” is about 6 college kids who find internet stardom when they make “Truth or Dare” videos with a violent twist. It is all fun and games until their number one fan decides he wants to play...
Actors Shelby Stehlin, and Jesse Wilson have joined the cast which includes the Scream Queen herself, Jessica Cameron, along with Devanny Pinn, Heather Dorff, Ryan Kiser, and Brandon Van Vliet.
Principal photography begins on April 25th for Jessica and her producers, Jonathan Higgins & Buz Wallick. This is what Jessica had to say about the shoot:
“I am so happy with the wonderful team that we have assembled and I cannot wait to share my twisted little vision with the word.”
You can find out more about “Truth or Dare” by checking out their IndieGoGo campaign here: igg.me/at/truthordare along with all of their social media links below:
Website: www.truthordarethemovie.com
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2762738/?ref_=fn_al_tt_5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TruthOrDareTheMovie?ref=hl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FilmTruthOrDare
22 April 2013
Evil Dead 2013 - REVIEW
So, here we go with the much anticipated (by some) horror film of the year... the Evil Dead remake!! It's images were blasted online and at conventions teasing everyone with it's goriness for months ahead of time. It's praises were shouted over and over by fans who were already sure they would love it. Mia (Jane Levy) is a drug addict whose most recent overdose her friends Olivia (Jessica Lucas) and Eric (Lou Taylor Pucci) scared that she won't survive much longer. They decide to her to her family's cabin in the woods to quit cold turkey. It's not the first time they've had to step in, but they're hoping that with Mia's brother David (Shiloh Fernandez) around, she'll have the support she needs to get through it this time. The moment they arrive strange things start to happen. Mia starts to complain about a foul stentch that apparently no one else can smell. After venturing into the cellar, David and Eric something that's sealed shut and bound with barbed wire. Curious , Eric cuts the book free and finds a book that's bound in human flesh that comes complete with it's own incantation. So he does what any person would do, he reads the passage of the book that clearly warns them not to. Isn't he supposed to be the smart one? Of course, reading the words allowed brings for an ancient evil that will possess them all one by one until no soul has been left unclaimed.
Fans of the original The Evil Dead (1981) will remember how the simplicity of it contributed to it's greatness. Sam Raimi's directorial debut was a darkly humorous, low budget sensation that still has a huge following today. However, you won't find much of that "simple charm" here. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find more than one likeable character here. And what's more, the ones that you WANT to like aren't given enough screen time hence there's no time to get to know them. If you scanned the world forty times over, I don't think you'd find that many stupid people within the same group of friends... EVER. How they've managed to live as many years as they have is beyond me. The acting for the most part was good, through no fault of the actors. I personally blame subpar writing and a lack of character development. It's hard to praise any one person in particular since I wasn't all that interested in any of them.
The shining star of Evil Dead is clearly the make up effects. It's rare these days to find a big budgeted horror film that's not rife with CGI so I applaud director Fede Alvarez and his make up department for the stellar practical effects. There is a chainsaw scene that is sure to be every gore hounds wet dream! But in the midst of all the dismembering, blood letting and nail gun attacks, the story gets lost. There's never any exposition that brings the back story together. No real hint as to what is possessing them other than a few scribbles in the Book of the Dead and that is a detriment to the film. Something is lost along the way when you're not quite sure what you're watching. Fans of the original know what's going on but a younger audience may not.
I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for it's compelling story but if you're on the hunt for a mind blowing, balls to the wall good time, this film is most definitely one you should watch. What it lacks in story, dialogue and character build up, it certainly makes up for in blood letting and cinematography. There are also subtle nods to the original and a superb score that help propel the film forward. As for me, I still prefer the original over the remake. It's kind of like an E-reader. They're nice to have around but they'll never provide you with the same feeling you get by turning the pages of a paperback book.
20 April 2013
Omen IV: The Awakening 1991 - REVIEW
A little talked about Movie and for good reason. The last hoorah for the Omen franchise but were can it go with the death of Damien Thorn. Well, in this we find out in a made for TV movie that showed this franchise was not ready to die yet. Maybe it should have! The Omen had a good run but by 1991 it was a little late to throw out another entry. That can be said for a few franchises and they got the picture with this film because they did not make another.
Damien Thorn is now dead and gone. The threat is over and Satan is no longer going to take over the world. If you really thought he was gone for good you are dead wrong. Gene (Michael Woods) and Caroline York (Faye Grant) have just adopted a child from a nunnery. The child was born under very suspicious circumstances and is believed to be evil.
At first the couple have no real problems with Delia (Asia Vieira) but as she gets older her behavior is more and more strange. Eventually Gene becomes involved with Washington, DC and congress. He is not around to witness Delia's behavior but Caroline is and she seems to think something is wrong with her. She is bound and determined to find out what is wrong with her child. The evilness of this child comes out little by little and it comes to light that she is the daughter of Damien Thorn. His offspring is being raised by a powerful politician and there are people that would like to see him come to power so Damien would be in power again. Caroline has to put a stop to this anyway that she can.
Omen IV would have been a hell of a lot better if it was not a made for TV movie. Be that as it may the movie really is not that bad. It's not that good either though. Really the best thing this has going for it is that it really is a creepy little movie. Asia Vieira who plays Delia is so freakin evil. I mean she looks it and you can feel her evil presence whenever she is on the screen. Faye Grant was a really good choice to play Caroline as well, other than that the rest of the acting really was not that impressive.
I really do like the storyline they concocted for this entry. It was rather creative and they found a way to successfully continue the franchise. Unfortunately, I think they have a better story than what they delivered on screen. This is the only movie in the franchise that was not shown in theaters. Some might argue that Part III should not have been in theaters either and rightfully so it was pretty fucking terrible. In fact Part IV is probably a bit better than the previous.
That's my opinion and I am sticking by it! If you are a fan of the Omen movies and have not viewed this one yet, it really is worth at least one viewing. Of course I have seen it probably about twenty times as it's one of my guilty pleasures. Even though I don't like it that much I still tend to put it on at least once a year. Stay twisted everyone!
18 April 2013
The Return of the Phillip K Dick Science Fiction Film Festival
New York City's First Official Sci-Fi Film Festival Expands Film Slate For Upcoming Domestic and International Functions
Brooklyn, N.Y. April 11, 2013 - The Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival is gearing up for a second exciting year to honor of its namesake and one ofthe most celebrated novelists of the 20th century. Expanding its film and panel slate to various sub-genres, multiple venues in Brooklyn and Manhattan will
hold screenings and gatherings from December 5-8, 2013 in what is expected to be yet another successful celebration of Philip K. Dick and his legions of fans who continue his legacy by recreating the magic he bestowed on the world of science fiction.
The festival is now accepting submissions in science documentaries, science fiction shorts and features and films inspired or adapted from the works of Dick in themes including cyberpunk, dystopian realities, paranoia, altered states and singularity punk. Panels will include discussions on psychic children
and superconscious, the singularity, trans-humanism, media influence, the science of tomorrow, cryonics, borderland sciences and anomalous aerial phenomena (AAP). Other activities include an extensive graphic novel and comic book section to accompany the film screenings and panels and a 48 hour
challenge to pick the best Dick-inspired short adaption. The festival will also host a series of independent science fictions screenings at Anthology Filmmakers throughout the summer and fall.
As further details come available in the coming weeks the festival anticipates another successful event, further solidifying the city's underlying appreciation for Philip K. Dick. Last year's festival saw record crowds of over 1,000 participants for the exclusive screening of John Alan Simon's Radio Free Albemuth
which was based on Dick's 1985 novel posthumously published three years after his death. The weekend-long festival also held numerous film screenings and panels with Simon, esteemed professors Ronald Mallet and Enrique Ricardo Miranda, distinguished writers Angela Posada-Swafford, Walter Mosley and Dennis Paoli and science fiction experts Richard Dolan and Peter Robbins. The team behind the annual festivities will also pioneer international events this fall in Lille, France and a spring 2014 cyberpunk festival in Tokyo.
The Second Philip K. Dick International Film Festival of Science, Science Fiction, Fantastic Film and the Supernatural will return bigger than ever. For film submissions please visit http://www.thephilipkdickfilmfestival.com and for more details go to the festival's Facebook page at
www.facebook.com/ThePhilipKDickFilmFestival and follow all the happenings on Twitter at https://twitter.com/PhilipKDickFest.
About The Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival:
The Second Philip K. Dick International Film Festival of Science, Science Fiction, Fantastic Film and the Supernatural and the first of its kind to grace the screens of New York City is organized by filmmakers who understand the difficulties and challenges of telling a unique story in a corporate environment.
The year 2013 marks the second year of the festival which will expand it's genres of films, panels and venues throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan. Guest
speakers and writers that best represent the goals of the festival will attend the opening ceremonies. We look for original voices and visions in works submitted. Lastly, this is a festival by filmmakers for filmmakers.
About Philip K. Dick:
"Reality is whatever refuses to go away when I stop believing in it." - Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) was one of the 20th century's most profound novelists and writers within the science fiction community. His exploration, analysis and beliefs led to the publishings of 44 novels and 121 short stories. Dick's enormous library of works led to several film developments including Blade Runner (1982), Total Recall (1990), Minority Report (2002), Paycheck (2003) and most recently Radio Free Albemuth (2010), The Adjustment Bureau (2011) and the successful remake of Total Recall (2012). The film industry is also awaiting the release of King of the Elves in 2014, which will surely be yet another prosperous depiction of Dick's literary contribution to science fiction. Dick's enormously effective views comprised of fictional universes, virtual realities and human mutation foresaw an exaggerated version of the current state of government and contemporary life. Though he is gone in the physical form his philosophies live on in the techniques applied to modern stories and films and generate large displays of appreciation and understanding.
17 April 2013
All American Zombie Drugs coming to DVD April 23rd
I'm pretty sure that everyone knows All American Zombie Drugs is near and dear to us here at Twisted Central so to be able to post this press release is crazy exciting for me!!
Midnight Releasing's All American Zombie Drugs will be hitting DVD shelves this April 23rd, followed by a major Cable & Internet VOD release on June 23rd. The DVD will be available at Blockbuster and a number of other retail and rental chains, and in June the movie will be available on iN DEMAND (Cable) and all major internet platforms such as iTunes, Vudu, Amazon Instant Video, Google Play and more.
About the film
All American Zombie Drugs is an indie comedy hailed by critics for its uniqueness in bringing together a number of genres into an hilarious, poignant story.
Vinny (Wolfgang Weber) and Sebastian (Beau Nelson), two burnouts going nowhere in small town suburbia and still riding the high of their high school days, start a business doing the only thing they have ever excelled at... Drugs. With the help of a jealous girlfriend and a rich goth chick (Natalie Irby), Vinny and Sebastion take on angry, geeky frat-boys, dangerous businessmen, zombies and more in search of the perfect high.
For more information visit http://zombiedrugs.com or http://midnightreleasing.com/all-american-zombie-drugs/
Midnight Releasing's All American Zombie Drugs will be hitting DVD shelves this April 23rd, followed by a major Cable & Internet VOD release on June 23rd. The DVD will be available at Blockbuster and a number of other retail and rental chains, and in June the movie will be available on iN DEMAND (Cable) and all major internet platforms such as iTunes, Vudu, Amazon Instant Video, Google Play and more.
About the film
All American Zombie Drugs is an indie comedy hailed by critics for its uniqueness in bringing together a number of genres into an hilarious, poignant story.
Vinny (Wolfgang Weber) and Sebastian (Beau Nelson), two burnouts going nowhere in small town suburbia and still riding the high of their high school days, start a business doing the only thing they have ever excelled at... Drugs. With the help of a jealous girlfriend and a rich goth chick (Natalie Irby), Vinny and Sebastion take on angry, geeky frat-boys, dangerous businessmen, zombies and more in search of the perfect high.
For more information visit http://zombiedrugs.com or http://midnightreleasing.com/all-american-zombie-drugs/
Director Pau Masó is Set to Produce Haunted Poland: The Origins
Haunted Poland: The Origins is the sequel to Maso & Co Productions’ Haunted Poland (2012). This sequel has created a proof of concept trailer, along with the film’s first poster. This supernatural tale will begin production in June, after the completion of the film’s Indiegogo campaign.
The original film involved a cross country trip and possession. Ewelin (Ewelina Lukaszewska) and Pau (Pau Masó) travelled from the United States to Chodecz, Poland, to visit Ewelin’s parent’s grave site. There, they met a friend, Irene (Irene Gonzalez), who visited them from Spain. Something was waiting for them in the graveyard. Now, in Haunted Poland: The Origins, Ewelin has disappeared and Irene is searching for her friend. But, a supernatural phenomenon tracks Irene’s every move. Horror fans should prepare for one of the scariest films to come out of Europe, later this year.
Film fans can view the film’s proof of concept trailer below. The reel shows character Ewelin in the forests of Poland. Ewelin is pursued by something unimaginable. The film’s first poster is also available. The graphic shows Ewelin under demonic possession. And, both items show the prominent supernatural elements from Haunted Poland: The Origins.
Synopsis: “Irene discovers Ewelin has gone missing. Irene returns to Chodecz, Poland to find out what happened to her. Irene encounters Ewelin's childhood friend, Kate and together, they try to discover what happened to Ewelin. The mystery deepens in the haunted woods of Poland.”
Directors/writers: Pau Masó and Ewelina Lukaszewska
Cast: Ewelina Lukaszewska, Kate Korbel, and Irene Gonzalez
The film’s concept trailer is here:
More details on this project will be posted on the Haunted Poland website:
The Indiegogo page is here:
The original film involved a cross country trip and possession. Ewelin (Ewelina Lukaszewska) and Pau (Pau Masó) travelled from the United States to Chodecz, Poland, to visit Ewelin’s parent’s grave site. There, they met a friend, Irene (Irene Gonzalez), who visited them from Spain. Something was waiting for them in the graveyard. Now, in Haunted Poland: The Origins, Ewelin has disappeared and Irene is searching for her friend. But, a supernatural phenomenon tracks Irene’s every move. Horror fans should prepare for one of the scariest films to come out of Europe, later this year.
Film fans can view the film’s proof of concept trailer below. The reel shows character Ewelin in the forests of Poland. Ewelin is pursued by something unimaginable. The film’s first poster is also available. The graphic shows Ewelin under demonic possession. And, both items show the prominent supernatural elements from Haunted Poland: The Origins.
Synopsis: “Irene discovers Ewelin has gone missing. Irene returns to Chodecz, Poland to find out what happened to her. Irene encounters Ewelin's childhood friend, Kate and together, they try to discover what happened to Ewelin. The mystery deepens in the haunted woods of Poland.”
Directors/writers: Pau Masó and Ewelina Lukaszewska
Cast: Ewelina Lukaszewska, Kate Korbel, and Irene Gonzalez
The film’s concept trailer is here:
More details on this project will be posted on the Haunted Poland website:
The Indiegogo page is here:
Release Date Announced for New Thriller, Murder 11
Murder Eleven is an exciting thriller from Code 3 Films. This title recently had a World Premiere at the Down Beach Film Festival in late 2012. And, director Jim Klock’s (The Trials of Cate McCall) award winning feature will be released through Indican Pictures in 2013.
The film involves two detectives in search of a vicious serial killer. The murderer targets prostitutes and ten women have already fallen to his attacks. Det. Mayfield (Michael Mack) and Jesse (Richard Reid) must intervene before he kills his latest victim – Katey (Autumn Federici), who has just been kidnapped. Both men must race against time to prevent Murder Eleven!
Murder Eleven has taken several awards throughout 2012. This title has won for Best Actress in a Feature Drama (Julienne Irons) and Best Writer in the Feature Category (Jim Klock). Now, Murder Eleven will be available for film fans October 1st, 2013, on home video formats. This thriller will excite viewers with this engaging tale of kidnap and murder.
Synopsis: “A serial killer is loose on the streets of Atlantic City. His ten victims are prostitutes, his methods are ruthless. And yet, his motives are unknown. Two embattled homicide detectives, Mayfield and Jesse, are in a race against time to catch this killer. They have just a few hours to utilize all of their resources and prevent murder number eleven. But with very few leads, very little support, and luck playing against them, they are in for a long night because being wrong is unforgiving and number eleven is already gone.”
Release Date: October 1, 2013
Director/writer: Jim Klock
Cast: Jim Klock, Julienne Irons, Michael Mack, Autumn Federici and Richard Reid
More details, including movie stills, can be found at the Code 3 Films’ Homepage:
And fan page:
The film involves two detectives in search of a vicious serial killer. The murderer targets prostitutes and ten women have already fallen to his attacks. Det. Mayfield (Michael Mack) and Jesse (Richard Reid) must intervene before he kills his latest victim – Katey (Autumn Federici), who has just been kidnapped. Both men must race against time to prevent Murder Eleven!
Murder Eleven has taken several awards throughout 2012. This title has won for Best Actress in a Feature Drama (Julienne Irons) and Best Writer in the Feature Category (Jim Klock). Now, Murder Eleven will be available for film fans October 1st, 2013, on home video formats. This thriller will excite viewers with this engaging tale of kidnap and murder.
Synopsis: “A serial killer is loose on the streets of Atlantic City. His ten victims are prostitutes, his methods are ruthless. And yet, his motives are unknown. Two embattled homicide detectives, Mayfield and Jesse, are in a race against time to catch this killer. They have just a few hours to utilize all of their resources and prevent murder number eleven. But with very few leads, very little support, and luck playing against them, they are in for a long night because being wrong is unforgiving and number eleven is already gone.”
Release Date: October 1, 2013
Director/writer: Jim Klock
Cast: Jim Klock, Julienne Irons, Michael Mack, Autumn Federici and Richard Reid
More details, including movie stills, can be found at the Code 3 Films’ Homepage:
And fan page:
14 April 2013
Friday the 13th Part II 1981 - REVIEW
The sequel that many Friday fans say is their favorite. While it is a very good installment it is not my favorite but I do love it. This is the film that made Jason Voorhees a staple of pop culture and one of the most iconic movie figures/villains of the 1980's. In the age of the slasher boom Paramount decided to go ahead with the first sequel to the heavily successful Friday the 13th.
We start with Alice (Adrienne King) sleeping and having flashbacks to the events from the original Friday the 13th. We see her awake from her bad dream and have a not so nice conversation with her Mother after a nice shower. She opens her refrigerator to find Mrs. Voorhees' head in there. She is stabbed in the head by her son, a now grown up Jason (Steve Dash). Back in Crystal Lake the main camp has been closed but there is another camp next to it that is now open for business again as a training camp for counselors run by Paul Holt (John Furey).
With the help of his assistant Ginny (Amy Steel) they plan on putting a little more than a dozen counselors through a vigorous training program to get them in shape for the camp season. Paul is well aware of the legend of Jason but he tells the story and assures the camp it is just a legend and it is not true. Within the first few days Paul lets his camp cut loose and go out for one more night out before they get down to business. Some stay back but who will survive. Jason is on the loose and he will not stop till they are all gone!
The role of Jason was actually played by 2 people: Steve Dash and Warrington Gillette. Warrington was the first but was soon replaced by a fellow stuntman Steve Dash who plays Jason for majority of the movie. I gotta say I really love sackhead Jason. While the hockey mas is iconic they sack is a little more creepy in my opinion. The rest of the cast that was put together for this movie was rather remarkable.
All very young and talented actors and actresses. This indeed put Amy Steel on the map for her performance of the all important final girl Ginny Field. Another notable actor in this film was Stu Charno who later went on to star in John Carpenter's Christine a few years later.
The effects in this film were great even though Tom Savini was not able to return and elected to work on another movie instead. There are a few death scenes that I consider to be the best in the series. My favorite from this one was Mark (Tom McBride) getting a machette to the face and him rolling down the steps in this wheelchair.
I think that scene is "wheelie cool!" Everyone who was involved with this did a standout job. The acting was great, well great for the 80's, the direction was great and so was the writing. I do enjoy this sequel more than the original. There are not many movies I will say that about but this is one of them. Stay twisted everyone!
SYFY Developing 2 Classic Science Fiction Novels into Miniseries
Adapted by writer Michael Perry (The River, Paranormal Activity 2), Ringworld is based on Niven's best-selling book and is being developed as a four-hour mini-series Syfy event. The project is a co-production of MGM Television and Universal Cable Productions (UCP), with MGM as the lead studio. Executive producers are William S. Todman Jr. and Edward Milstein.
Childhood's End will be executive produced by Michael DeLuca (The Social Network) with Universal Cable Productions serving as the studio.
In making the announcement, Mark Stern, President, Original Content, Syfy, and Co-Head, Original Content, Universal Cable Productions, said: "We're proud to bring to life these science fiction masterpieces, Ringworld and Childhood's End. With their brilliant scope of imagination, the astonishing visions of these two novels created riveting possibilities into the future of humanity which remain timely and provocative."
In Ringworld, a hastily-assembled team of explorers travels to the farthest reaches of space to investigate a mind-blowing alien artifact called Ringworld - an artificial habitat the size of one million Earths. As they crash land on this enormous structure, they discover the remnants of ancient civilizations, technology beyond their wildest dreams, mysteries that shed light on the very origins of man and, most importantly, a possible salvation for a doomed Earth.
Childhood's End follows a peaceful alien invasion of Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival ends all war and turns the planet into a near-utopia.
Universal Cable Productions creates innovative and critically acclaimed original scripted and digital content across multiple media platforms and outlets for domestic and international distribution. UCP produces Covert Affairs, Psych, Royal Pains and Suits for USA; Defiance and Warehouse 13 for Syfy and Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome for distribution on Machinima Prime/YouTube, Syfy and DVD/Blu-Ray. Universal Cable Productions is a division of NBCUniversal.
SYFY Announces Production on a Pilot of "High Moon" from Television Icon Bryan Fuller
Syfy, the destination for high-concept, boundary-pushing genre entertainment, announced today it will begin production on the pilot of High Moon, an adaptation of John Christopher's best-selling novel The Lotus Caves. Along with a creative team featuring Bryan Fuller (Hannibal, Pushing Daisies) and Jim Danger Gray (Pushing Daisies, Hannibal), Universal Cable Productions will serve as the studio.
Said Mark Stern, President, Original Content, Syfy, and Co-Head, Original Content, Universal Cable Productions: "In the hands of visionary Bryan Fuller and this outstanding production team, High Moon will be an imaginative, groundbreaking story featuring complex characters in a high-stakes drama. This represents our commitment to quality programming that redefines the genre and we're excited to begin production."
High Moon is an imaginative, out-of-this-world series exploring what happens when the countries of Earth establish colonies to mine the Moon's resources and discover a new form of life. Chaos erupts in a genuinely emotional, humorously thrilling and always unexpected fashion as the people of the Moon race to uncover this life form's powerful secrets. Co-executive producer/writer: Jim Danger Gray (Pushing Daisies). Executive producer/writer: Bryan Fuller (Hannibal, Pushing Daisies). The pilot is written by Gray from a story by Fuller and Gray. Executive producers: Cary Granat & Steve Granat of Reel FX and Don Murphy & Susan Montford of Angry Films (Real Steel, Transformers). Studio: UCP.
Universal Cable Productions creates innovative and critically acclaimed original scripted and digital content across multiple media platforms and outlets for domestic and international distribution. UCP produces Covert Affairs, Psych, Royal Pains and Suits for USA; Defiance, and Warehouse 13 for Syfy and Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome for distribution on Machinima Prime/YouTube, Syfy and DVD/Blu-Ray. Universal Cable Productions is a division of NBCUniversal.
SYFY Renews Original Drama "Being Human" for it's 4th Season
Being Human stars Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington and Kristen Hager as vampire Aidan, ghost Sally and werewolves Josh and Nora. Together they struggle to suppress their supernatural secrets and temptations and live their lives as close to normal as possible.
"'Being Human' really hit its stride creatively this year," said Mark Stern. "This show has become a signature series for Syfy and we are thrilled to have it return in 2014."
Being Human has been an all-around performer for Syfy both on-air and via digital distribution as well as in the social media space. It remains one of Syfy's youngest and most female-skewing scripted dramas.
Inclusive of Live +7 data, Season 3 of Being Human is averaging 1.8 million total viewers, including 1.1 million Adults 18-49 and 1.1 million Adults 25-54, and is a top ten cable program in its time period among both key demos.
Being Human is a Muse Entertainment production and is based on the acclaimed series created by Toby Whithouse and produced by Touchpaper.
Executive producers are Michael Prupas (The Kennedys, Pillars of the Earth), Anna Fricke (Men in Trees, Everwood) who is both writer and showrunner, and Rob Pursey and Toby Whithouse. Irene Litinsky (Human Trafficking, The Phantom) is series producer.
About Muse Entertainment Enterprises: Muse Entertainment is a leading film and television production company known for its well-crafted and high quality productions. Since its founding in 1998, Muse has produced, co-produced and provided production services on more than 160 TV movies and mini-series, television series and feature films and has won over 100 awards and received over 300 award nominations, including 21 Emmy Award nominations and 5 Emmy Awards! Muse Entertainment's most recent television series are Bomb Girls (Seasons I, II) and Being Human (Seasons 1, II, III). In 2011, its topical 8-hr. historical drama, The Kennedys, earned 10 Emmy Award nominations. Its Pillars of the Earth also won an Emmy and many other awards. Muse's other award-winning programs are Durham County (Seasons I, II, III), Ben Hur, The Last Templar, Impact, Human Trafficking, Answered by Fire, This is Wonderland and Tales from the Neverending Story. The company's head office and its Quebec production centre are in Montreal. Muse also maintains development and production operations in Toronto and Los Angeles. For more information please visit www.muse.ca<http://www.muse.ca/>
SYFY and Jamie Foxx Partner for Horror Anthology Series Premiering Halloween 2013
In the vein of television classics like Tales from the Crypt and The Twilight Zone, this contemporary half-hour series tells creepy morality tales with themes such as envy, jealousy and superficiality. The show will debut during Syfy's annual 31 Days of Halloween programming marathon this October.
Said Jamie Foxx: "This is a project that I've wanted to do for a long time and I'm so happy to see it come to life. Get ready to lose it when some special friends and I bring the scares this October, and who knows... maybe I'll make a guest appearance or two along the way!" Said Mark Stern, President, Original Content, Syfy, and Co-Head, Original Content, Universal Cable Productions: "We couldn't be more excited to work with someone as talented and multifaceted as Jamie Foxx. His passion and unique perspective will transform these universal insights on the human condition into emotionally potent and truly scary cautionary tales."
Troy Miller (Flight of the Conchords, Brand X) will serve as executive producer through his production company Dakota Pictures. Writers on the project include Mike Ferris (Terminator: Salvation) and John Pogue (Army Wives, Everwood) . Writer Jeff Stilson, Jaime King and Julie Yorn will also serve as executive producers
Universal Cable Productions creates innovative and critically acclaimed original scripted and digital content across multiple media platforms and outlets for domestic and international distribution. UCP produces "Covert Affairs," "Psych," "Royal Pains" and "Suits" for USA; "Defiance," and "Warehouse 13" for Syfy and "Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome" for distribution on Machinima Prime/YouTube, Syfy and DVD/Blu-Ray. Universal Cable Productions is a division of NBCUniversal.
SYFY Announces 3 New Reality Series: Cosworld, Fandemonium, and Joe Rogan Questions Everything
Cosworld (working title) - Premieres Tuesday, August 27 at 10PM (ET/PT) - Cosworld is a tantalizing six-episode docuseries that lifts the veil on the imaginative world of cosplay competition. The series follows some of the hottest cosplay stars as they make a splash at comic book conventions around the country. The show dives deep into their lives, following their process as they create extravagant and visually arresting costumes each week. These individuals will constantly defy odds and race against the clock to transform themselves into amazing fictional characters that push the boundaries between fantasy and reality, all in hopes of impressing the convention judges to win a cash prize and the chance to become a cosplay legend. Production company: 51 Minds, an Endemol Company. Executive producers: Mark Cronin, Courtland Cox and Dave Caplan.
Fandemonium (working title) - Premieres Fall 2013 - From the producer of Jersey Shore comes Fandemonium - a six-part docuseries that celebrates the incredibly unique, often misunderstood, and infinitely fascinating fan girl and fan boy culture. Living together in an LA apartment complex, a tight-knit group of pop culture-obsessed fans continue to find their place in the world and flourish, thanks to their passions and personalities. Whether it's being first in line for the latest blockbuster, making a lasting impression upon getting the chance to meet their heroes, or just figuring out how to balance their passions with making a living - when these friends get together, it's flat out Fandemonium. Production company: 495 Productions. Executive producer: SallyAnn Salsano.
06 April 2013
DefTone Pictures Upcoming Film "A Grim Becoming" - PRESS RELEASE
DefTone Pictures Studios signs Brandon Williams to play lead role of Raphael in A Grim Becoming
DefTone Pictures Studios Inc continues to put Buffalo, New York on the map with their film productions. Currently in preproduction is their next feature film: a horror comedy entitled A Grim Becoming. Directed by Adam R Steigert (Ombis 2013) and written by Janeen Avery, Christopher Brechtel, Mark Mendola and Adam R Steigert.
DefTone Pictures Studios Inc’s search to find the actor to portray the lead character of Raphael is over. Raphael is a young, bitter executive who is on the verge of losing a multimillion dollar architectural when a sudden death in his family forces him to return to his home town of Metzburgh. With the role of Raphael depending a lot on an actor’s physical abilities, casting the role was a challenge. DefTone is proud to announce that Brandon Williams has signed on to play the role of Raphael. Brandon is an actor that can hold his own with his comedic abilities and he should take the character of Raphael to a new level.
The official theatrical teaser trailer is set to be released May 2013 and will feature a sneak-peek look at the character of “Death” who goes by the more human name of Magoo. A Grim Becoming stars Brandon Williams, Britt Griffith, Devanny Pinn, Bill Oberst Jr., Michael Sciabarrasi, Jessica Cameron, Melantha Blackthorne, Lynn Lowry, Patrick Mallette, Valerie Lynn Hanna, Melyssa Jade, Mike Sarcinelli, Christopher Brechtel and Aryn Fitzgerald.
DefTone Pictures Studios Inc begins principal photography on A Grim Becoming starting June 1st, 2013. The film has a tentative release date of June 21, 2014.
Two 70's Classics Restored and Uncut on Blu Ray
Two ‘70s Horror Classics Restored & Uncut In HD
6/11 Blu-Ray/DVD Combo Releases Packed with Exclusive Special Features from Severin Films!
LOS ANGELES, CA, March 29th, 2013 – Severin Films have announced the long awaited June 11th Blu-ray + DVD combo US debut release of the controversial shocker HOUSE ON STRAW HILL and the creepy classic THE HOUSE OF SEVEN CORPSES.
HOUSE ON STRAW HILL: Banned in Britain as a Video Nasty for thirty years! A shockingly violent and erotic tale of seduction, brutality and revenge. Cult movie icon Udo Kier (MARK OF THE DEVIL, FLESH FOR FRANKENSTEIN) stars as a successful novelist suffering from writer’s block, who rents a country cottage with his wife (British 70s sex sensation Fiona Richmond) in the hope of finding inspiration. But the arrival of a sensual secretary, played by Linda Hayden (BLOOD ON SATAN’S CLAW, TASTE THE BLOOD OF DRACULA) sets in motion a chain of events that culminate in an unrestrained explosion of sex and savagery. Film elements were long thought lost or destroyed on this sleazy gem but the original camera negative was unearthed in a barn in rural England and painstakingly restored for this first official uncut release anywhere in the world. Director commentary and cast and crew interviews will round out the package.
THE HOUSE OF SEVEN CORPSES: “Eight graves! Seven bodies!” screamed the ads, “One killer... and he's already dead!” Hollywood legends John Ireland (RED RIVER, SATAN’S CHEERLEADERS), John Carradine (THE GRAPES OF WRATH, VAMPIRE HOOKERS) and Howard Hughes’ paramour Faith Domergue (CULT OF THE COBRA,THIS ISLAND EARTH) star in this much-loved ‘70s shocker about a film crew shooting an occult drama in a sinister manor with its own grisly history of family bloodshed. Previously released with often badly cropped, censored and muddy transfers, the film will finally be available in HD, transferred from original vault materials and featuring an exclusive archive interview with legendary horror icon Carradine (a DVD/Blu-Ray first as far as we’re aware) and a revealing new audio commentary with Co-Producer Gary Kent & Film Historian Lars Nilsen.
Severin Films was formed in 2006 with offices in Los Angeles and London. Their 80 plus strong movie catalogue includes works from iconic euro-cult directors Lucio Fulci, Jess Franco and Walerian Borowczyck, the all-star War classicTHE WILD GEESE, the unrated Director’s Cut of Just Jaeckin’s GWENDOLINE, Richard Stanley’s cyber-punk hit HARDWARE, Enzo Castellari’s original action classic INGLORIOUS BASTARDS, Oscar®-nominee Patrice Leconte’s THE HAIRDRESSER’S HUSBAND, the midnight movie sensation BIRDEMIC – SHOCK & TERROR, the historical battle epic ZULU DAWN, Eugenio Martin’s restored HORROR EXPRESS, and Alejandro Jodorowsky’s internationally acclaimedSANTA SANGRE. In 2011 they produced the horror anthology feature THE THEATRE BIZARRE.
1985 • 84 minutes • Color • 1.77:1, 16x9 • SRP $29.95 • 1 DVD, 1 BLU RAY
1973 • 91 minutes • Color • 1.85:1, 16x9 • SRP $29.95 • 1 DVD, 1 BLU RAY
05 April 2013
Diabolique Issue 15: The Dark Side of Rock N Roll
Our Rock and Horror issue of Diabolique takes you on a journey through the spectacle and madness of music-related horror entertainment. From the first time a musician put on a scary costume to perform on stage to the destructive and violent backlash from "Polite Society," we reveal the scathing facts about your favorite rockers. Including exclusive interviews with Rob Zombie, Kirk Hammett, and with a special focus on Skinny Puppy's Kevin "Ogre" Ogilvie, Diabolique's latest and greatest issue provides you with as much spine-rattling entertainment as you can take! Also featured in this issue are a rare exclusive interview with famous Korean genre filmmaker Chan-wook Park (Stoker, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance), a review of the new screenwriting book by Dan O'Bannon (Alien, Return of the Living Dead), the ethereal and frightening images of artist Jim Cummins (aka "I, Braineater"), and much much more! Click Here to purchase!
Inside this issue:
Chan-wook Park clarifies a few things about his new film Stoker
Almost a century’s worth of singers who scare us while they croon
Rob Zombie bewitches audiences with The Lords of Salem
Where the real horror is at: violent conservative backlash to taboo topics
A look at Dan O’Bannon’s new book on screenwriting
Psychological horror stories vs. splatter filmmaking
Featured artist Jim Cummins tells Diabolique about the art scene in Vancouver
Metallica’s guitarist invites us into HIS horror pages
Skinny Puppy’s Ogre reveals several of his many faces
Some sound frequencies can cause hallucinations and madness…
03 April 2013
RagNBone Productions Releases Trailer and Music Video for House on the Wrong Side of the Tracks
Ragnbone Productions of Youngstown, Ohio will soon be releasing their first feature film House on the Wrong Side of the Tracks. The group has a combined 30 years of television production and over 20 years of local film making.
House stars Amanda Baker, Alec Drake, Eric Sopko, Tom Smith, Brittiani McNeil Ketcham. It was written by Arthur Leo Collins and Mike Petrucci, produced by Keith Boron and directed by Arthur Leo Collins.
Three low-life punks set out with a video camera for a night of violent thrill seeking. They take a seemingly helpless couple captive in their home where they brutalize and torture them. Everything looks hopeless . . . until their son comes home.
Music Video:
They have launched an Indiegogo campaign to help with the DVD distribution and promotional products. If you'd like to help out, click here to visit their campaign home.
They've got quite a busy schedule ahead of them for the year, in May they will begin production in Parkersburg West Virginia of a remake and a re-imagining of the classic Bela Lugosi film White Zombie. In August they'll begin shooting found footage film The Massacre at Skullfork Hill in Marietta, Ohio. And they are also working on a documentary about local band Tara's Fire, called The Death March.
Look for updates as they become available!
House stars Amanda Baker, Alec Drake, Eric Sopko, Tom Smith, Brittiani McNeil Ketcham. It was written by Arthur Leo Collins and Mike Petrucci, produced by Keith Boron and directed by Arthur Leo Collins.
Three low-life punks set out with a video camera for a night of violent thrill seeking. They take a seemingly helpless couple captive in their home where they brutalize and torture them. Everything looks hopeless . . . until their son comes home.
Music Video:
They have launched an Indiegogo campaign to help with the DVD distribution and promotional products. If you'd like to help out, click here to visit their campaign home.
They've got quite a busy schedule ahead of them for the year, in May they will begin production in Parkersburg West Virginia of a remake and a re-imagining of the classic Bela Lugosi film White Zombie. In August they'll begin shooting found footage film The Massacre at Skullfork Hill in Marietta, Ohio. And they are also working on a documentary about local band Tara's Fire, called The Death March.
Look for updates as they become available!
Supernatural Drama "The Remembrance" Explores Life After Death
PHILADELPHIA, PA – APRIL 2nd 2013: Director/Writer Brandon Taylor and Hollow Tree Films LLC create a lucid perspective on the intertwined cycle of life and death in the supernatural, character-driven drama THE REMEMBRANCE.
Watch the trailer here.
A man, Nate, is drawn towards helping others, entangled in the lives he has unwillingly affected. As the lines between life and death become increasingly blurred, the search for who and what he is takes precedence.
THE REMEMBRANCE is the third feature film produced by Melissa Sherry and the first for Angelique Bucciero. It is Michael Sherry’s third feature film he has lensed. Brandon Taylor, Michael Sherry, Anthony DiMichele, and Danielle Sinopoli also serve as producers. It is the feature film debut of director/writer Brandon Taylor.
Gabryal Rabinowitz, Michelle Jones, Douglas Saint James and Cassandra Dailey lead the cast; Felicia Revero, Tim Hackney, Karen Guilliams, Joseph Janvoic and Matt Stein co-star.
An experimental production spanning over eighteen months took place entirely within the Pocono region in northeastern Pennsylvania.
“This film is about the ‘what-if’ scenario we’re all so scared to talk about,” said director Brandon Taylor. “It’s more than asking questions, more than wondering what could have been. There are millions of people who would do anything to have five more minutes with someone they lost. I should know. I’m one of them.”
Follow The Remembrance on Facebook, Twitter and IMDB.
Watch the trailer here.
A man, Nate, is drawn towards helping others, entangled in the lives he has unwillingly affected. As the lines between life and death become increasingly blurred, the search for who and what he is takes precedence.
THE REMEMBRANCE is the third feature film produced by Melissa Sherry and the first for Angelique Bucciero. It is Michael Sherry’s third feature film he has lensed. Brandon Taylor, Michael Sherry, Anthony DiMichele, and Danielle Sinopoli also serve as producers. It is the feature film debut of director/writer Brandon Taylor.
Gabryal Rabinowitz, Michelle Jones, Douglas Saint James and Cassandra Dailey lead the cast; Felicia Revero, Tim Hackney, Karen Guilliams, Joseph Janvoic and Matt Stein co-star.
An experimental production spanning over eighteen months took place entirely within the Pocono region in northeastern Pennsylvania.
“This film is about the ‘what-if’ scenario we’re all so scared to talk about,” said director Brandon Taylor. “It’s more than asking questions, more than wondering what could have been. There are millions of people who would do anything to have five more minutes with someone they lost. I should know. I’m one of them.”
Follow The Remembrance on Facebook, Twitter and IMDB.
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Cassandra Dailey in a scene from THE REMEMBRANCE. Photo by Alyssa Meadows, Lost in Meadows Photography |
Director Brandon Taylor with script supervisor Katie Dembesky watching the monitor during filming of THE REMEMBRANCE. Photo by Arline Rasely. |
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Director Brandon Taylor speaking with Felicia Revero and Gabryal Rabinowitz from THE REMEMBRANCE. Photo by Alyssa Meadows, Lost in Meadows Photography. |
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Michelle Jones in a scene from THE REMEMBRANCE. Photo by Alyssa Meadows, Lost in Meadows Photography. |
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Felicia Revero in a scene from THE REMEMBRANCE. Photo by Alyssa Meadows, Lost in Meadows Photography. |
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Gabryal Rabinowitz in a scene from THE REMEMBRANCE. Photo by Alyssa Meadows, Lost in Meadows photography. |
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Gabryal Rabinowitz and Margaret Ball in a scene from THE REMEMBRANCE. Photo by Alyssa Meadows, Lost in Meadows Photography. |
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