03 April 2013

RagNBone Productions Releases Trailer and Music Video for House on the Wrong Side of the Tracks

Ragnbone Productions of Youngstown, Ohio will soon be releasing their first feature film House on the Wrong Side of the Tracks. The group has a combined 30 years of television production and over 20 years of local film making.

House stars Amanda Baker, Alec Drake, Eric Sopko, Tom Smith, Brittiani McNeil Ketcham.  It was written by Arthur Leo Collins and Mike Petrucci, produced by Keith Boron and directed by Arthur Leo Collins.

Three low-life punks set out with a video camera for a night of violent thrill seeking.  They take a seemingly helpless couple captive in their home where they brutalize and torture them.  Everything looks hopeless . . . until their son comes home.


Music Video:

They have launched an Indiegogo campaign to help with the DVD distribution and promotional products. If you'd like to help out, click here to visit their campaign home.

They've got quite a busy schedule ahead of them for the year, in May they will begin production in Parkersburg West Virginia of a remake and a re-imagining of the classic Bela Lugosi film White Zombie. In August they'll begin shooting found footage film The Massacre at Skullfork Hill in Marietta, Ohio. And they are also working on a documentary about local band Tara's Fire, called The Death March.

Look for updates as they become available! 

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