“This erotic horror film is chock-full of the bloodiest vampire lesbianism and should satisfy even the most pernickety of horror fans.” Cinehouse
“A guilty pleasure if ever there was one, and far more enjoyable and to-the-point than Vampyros Lesbos. – EFilmCritic
“An excitingly titillating adaptation that really captures the 70s lesbian vampire film vibe with an exquisite modern twist.” – WeAreIndieHorror
“Blood-letting and endless nudity…that make the film feel authentically like a vintage Euro-horror movie. And for that we applaud it.” – ComingSoon
“Breasts are bared, blood flows like rain, wine is consumed, and sex is had…will anyone be able to escape the sexy embrace of these vicious vamps?” – TheOutreEye
“A homage to 1970s erotic Euro horror at its best.” – SearchMyTrash
“Genuine horror…I was pleased to see the special effects for the blood-letting was quite entertaining.” – RottingZombie
“Sometimes it’s just not safe to pick up chicks!” – MrSkin
“An arousing visual experience…The audience is fixed as voyeurs to spectacles of carnage and eroticism.” – DecayMag
“Definitely a remake worth seeing, and so very appropriate for the Halloween season.” – CoffeeCoffee&MoreCoffee
“There was a lot of nudity in Vampyres. A LOT of nudity.” – LeglessCorpse
“You want kissing and sex and blood? You’ve got it in spades. Bring on the sequel.” – TheSlaughteredBird
Vampyres is now available on the Dish Network as well as the following VOD outlets:
Amazon Video
Also just out today is The Perfect Husband, a thriller/horror tale about a loving couple and their bloody descent into domestic hell.

"Thrilling and exciting." - WeAreIndieHorror
“Terrifying and suspenseful...This is a great movie, no doubt about it!” – The Flick Fanatic’s Companion
"A genuinely entertaining flick that’s brutal, bloody, unnerving and visually satisfying." - HorrorMovies.ca
“"A twist that shocks the senses. - HorrorTalk
“A solid and entertaining horror flick…it’s worth checking out.”- The MovieBlog.com
“A delirious frenzy of brutal bloodlust and psychological terror with one heck of a big twist." - McBastard's Mausoleum
"Effective...gripping." - Digital Journal
"A disturbing psychological thriller…a finely crafted film with real weight behind it." DoBlu.com
"Effectively unsettling." Rock!Shock!Pop!
“Well made, bloody violent and carried by great performances. Well worth your time." Celluloid Terror
"A whirlwind combination of exciting cinematography, ideas, and brutal violence …will make you want a shower afterward.” - The Nerd Mentality
"I highly recommend this one. It’s a great take on hoary genre tropes that bring some real squirm-in-your-seat thrills!" Famous Monsters of Filmland
"A display of torture porn that could have been written by the Marquis de Sade." - Leglesscorpse.us
"stylish, beautiful and brutal piece...certainly a contender for indie horror of the year.” - Firstscreamtothelast
The Perfect Husband is now available on the Dish Network as well as the following VOD outlets:
Amazon Video
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