I'm not sure what director Michael Rigler (who was also the writer) told his cast before shooting but it must've been something along the lines of "Have you ever seen the old school, tongue-in-cheek, B-movie style creature features? I want that but waaaaaaay over the top!" Why do I think this? Because every single actor in this film played it that way. It was fantastic! All the over the top facial expressions and raised eyebrows. The long drawn out dramatic pauses. Manuel nailed her part of the damsel in distressed turned would be heroine. Parsons was insanely funny, especially in the delivery of lines like "Your dick can't hear you." Bahahahaha! I caught myself laughing out loud on several occasions. Smallwood was great as well. He had that classic role of the sensitive yet chauvinistic wanna save the day man and played it very well. I was surprised when I went over to the IMDb page and saw that this is a first film for a lot of the players involved. So, my hats off to you.
What I really liked most about this one is that it never in any way shape or form took itself seriously. Rigler did exactly what he intended to do and that was to respectfully poke fun at the creature features of old. It's very well written and extremely enjoyable and I had totally misjudged this film. It's a microbudget film shot entirely in Corner Brook, New Foundland using locals. I'd like to think that people who have a sense of humor and actually take it at face value will get enjoyment out of it but there are those people out there that will watch it and over think it and then say it's just bad and it'll be because they just don't get it. Horror, no... not at all. Gory, no... not at all. But if you're looking for a fun, quirky film to make you giggle, this is definitely it. Visit The Tentacle's Claw website and Facebook page for more information.
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