
21 May 2014

Camp Dread 2014 - REVIEW

We are quickly approaching summertime which means it's time for some summer camp slashers.  The first one to rear its head is Camp Dread.  Could this be the Sleepaway Camp of 2014?  Probably not but it does boast a cast member that is no stranger to a summer camp killer.  Popping this one in and really really hoping for the best.

Washed up director Julian Barrett (Eric Roberts) is looking to revamp his career and get back to his hayday.  Julian made a trilogy of slasher films in the 80's called Summer Camp.  His ploy is to record a reality TV show at the camp where his movies were filmed.  He picks a group of troubled young adults to fill the camp with a chance to survive a killer in order to earn a million dollars.  He brings in the star from his Summer Camp movies Rachel (Felissa Rose) as a counselor, who is now an actual trained therapist and is really looking to help these kids.  The atmosphere is set for a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.  A classic case of "who done it".  Who will survive this trip to camp?

This is one movie I was really excited to see and wanted to love it but that sure didn't happen.  Camp Dread is shall we say dreadful!  The really only bright spots I can point out is Felissa Rose, the quality of the film and the use of practical effects.  I am a fan of Felissa Rose and if she gave a bad performance I would still tell it like it is but she is one of the few that did shine in this movie.  I have never been a big fan of Eric Roberts so I really don't care for him.  I haven't mentioned Danielle Harris yet and for good reason.  She again, just like in Hallows Eve, is just to attract an audience and is only in the film I would say less than 5 minutes and 2 scenes.  It's really a joke that she is on the cover with her name as if she is a main cast member.  I know this happens a lot with lower budget movies but still pisses me off whenever I see someone billed as the main cast member to only see them in the movie as fast as you can blink, Ala Intruder "starring" Bruce Campbell.

The story itself was decent to be nice but it really took too long for the movie to get going.  Too much time was spent on the story.  In a horror film, specially a film that is tagged as a slasher, the audience wants to see action they don't want to sit and continuously wait for something to happen.  I will say once it does get going the action picks up alot but for me it was too late cause I was already bored and Camp Dread lost my attention.

I wanted to be able to give this a good review and rating but it's just not going to happen.  My opinion isn't the end all be all but just don't get your hopes up too high if you decide to give this movie a whirl.  I will have to give this one 3 out of 10 stars which is probably one of the lowest I have given in a long time if not ever.  Stay twisted everyone!

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