
24 November 2013

Interview with Sadie Katz From "House Of Bad"

TC: Hello Sadie I trust you are doing well.

SK: Yes! Thank you J.R. and thank you for the interview! xo

TC: What can you tell us about your experiences from working on House of the Bad?

SK: Shooting a film is a leap of faith for everyone involved. When horror fans respond the way they have to House of Bad, it feels amazing because you know it was what was the leap to take! House of Bad has really introduced me to all the fans of the horror world. They are incredibly sweet, supportive and I find the on-line blogs, webzines and radio shows to be filled with a lot of people who really love the genre! It’s so funny that fans of blood, guts and boobs tend to be the most supportive artists I’ve come across!

TC: Do you think this is a film that all horror fans are going to love?

SK: Girls- CHECK! Scary Ghosts- Check! Blood- CHECK! Brain Explosion- CHECK!!!! Naked Chicks- Ummmm…CHECK! Running thru the forest- CHECK! Haunted House- CHECK! Smart dialogue- CHECK!
Ha, I sure hope you do…and if you do I really hope you write a couple of nice reviews on Amazon, Itunes, IMDB, etc…help spread the word! If they don’t? Ummm….next question.

TC: How did you come about being cast in this project?

SK: I had submitted off a casting site for another project of Jim Towns’ films- the film ended up not going and they called me in for this one. For actors it’s so exciting that we have so many different routes to submit for films! Instead of sitting and waiting for the phone to ring we get a chance to self-submit. Another perk to the internet.

TC: Are you a fan of the horror genre yourself?

SK: Yes! I am a scaredy cat and truthfully love a great horror film. My son is 12 years old and he’s getting into horror. The other day he had some friends over and said, “rent me the scariest movie on Redbox.” I rented him “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” but, I ended up chickening out of watching it and watched “The Purge” instead. It had it’s scare moments. The last horror movie I saw at the theatre was “You’re Next” I think it was done pretty damn well.

TC: When can we look forward to this being released and seeing you on the big screen?

SK: You can catch me now co-starring in the raunchy, sex comedy “Nipples & Palm trees” on Amazon, Hulu, Itunes, Netflix. Look for ”Chavez: Cage of Glory” (Danny Trejo, Steven Bauer) to be released digitally, along with “Meaning of Violence” (Gregory Rhodes).

Please follow me on my fan page for updates (or just to say hi!)

TC: Are there any other projects you are currently working on a the moment ?

SK: Yes! I’m very excited to be working on another film “13 Girls” with Jim Towns directing…it’s CSI meets Catholic school girls. ‘nuff said. And the indie drama “Beautiful Ink” also starring Jamie Bernadette. Very exciting stuff. I hope you and your readers follow the ride. xo

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