
15 June 2012

Indie Horror Team Branches into Drama

While the beginnings of the “Dry Spell” story are tied to Rockford, Illinois, the film is set to have wide ranging talent and scope. Although romantic comedies are common, a truly independent romantic comedy is a rarity and a bold adventure for Aegis Studios. Although they’ve been told it can’t be done, the film-makers at Aegis have chosen (in true DIY fashion) to launch a Kickstarter campaign to fund the film and plan to ignore the skeptics.

Kickstarter is a website devoted to helping independent creators raise capital to fund their projects. Groups like Aegis can set a goal and a timeline and offer incentives for investors. Then Kickstarter processes the pledges which aren’t finalized unless the goal is reached. In a way, it’s a method for all interested parties to invest in an artistic project and essentially become a part owner in its success. In the case of this project, the goal is just $23,000 – a very small amount for a film production budget.

While the concept of doing a romantic comedy in such an independent way is novel, the selling points of the project certainly don’t end there. For one thing, the cast is exceptional for an independent film of this magnitude. East Coast native Suzi Lorraine is set to star alongside co-writer Kyle Hoskins. While Lorraine is often seen in horror films, her highest profile role was in “Music and Lyrics” with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. Debbie Rochon will also be featured in the film. Rochon is best known for her work in Troma Films productions.

While the creative process that spawned “Dry Spell” started in the Midwestern burg of Rockford, Illinois (home of its film-maker and co-writer Travis Legge), the movie is set to film on location in New York City, adding another layer of interest to the production.

According to the writers, “Dry Spell” is to be a feature length romantic comedy about a woman who is going through a divorce and preparing to enter the dating world. One night she discovers that her ability to become aroused has left her. In short, she's dried up. Believing that this is caused by guilt about moving on before her ex-husband has, she embarks on a quest to get him laid.

To learn more about the project (and previous work from Aegis), stop by
Backers can get involved at

Feel free to contact us at for more information, still photos or other materials or to arrange interviews with the film-makers.

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