
19 May 2012

Twisted Central Interviews Kat Sheridan

Recently I had the opportunity to talk with Kat Sheridan a new actress to the Horror genre.  Hope you enjoy!

TC: First i want to thank u for taking the time to talk to us here at Twisted Central
KS: Thank you so much. Its an honor to talk to you and reach out to your readers!

TC: How did you get into acting?
KS: I wanted to be an actress since I was quite young. At 5 years old  my mom enrolled me in all sorts of "artistic" classes for kids (dance, painting, sculpting, etc.), and when I took my first acting class at the Seattle Children's Theatre, it stuck.  I just fell in love with the idea that playing make-believe could be a job, a career even. I put on a lot of plays as a kid with my friends, and when I started to take more complicated classes I realized I could go further with it, that there was so much more to learn and experience.  I memorized my first Shakespearean monologue at 6.  It was from 'Hamlet'. The rest, as they say, is history.

TC: What about the Horror genre do you like?

KS: I love that the Horror genre allows us to indulge our fears vicariously without actually having to go into the woods, in the dark and sit and wait for something twisted to find us.  We all have fears, fears of things that go bump in the night and fears that hit much closer to home. I think horror movies provide a sort of healthy outlet for those emotions.  And they're just fun!  The campiness of many of them, the visual stimulation, the dark humor, the often in-your-face effects, the nudity, the psychological twists and turns, the supernatural elements, the creatures, the exotic mixed with the familiar/everyday...My gosh, what's NOT to like?! And beyond the blood and terror, the writers very smartly paint an allegory, a cautionary tale, or a commentary on society that is often subtle and complex.

TC: What was the first movie that you starred in?
KS: I have worked on some indie features that are still in post, but the most significant one I can talk about is "The Red House".

TC: Do you have any upcoming movies coming out?
I've been acting since I was young, but mostly on stage.  I'm newer to the television/film industry, and "The Red House" will hopefully get me more exposure and open up new opportunities. It should open later this year! I am also co-producing a low budget found footage horror film about vampires called "Night of the Carnivores" with Derek Easley Pictures, so I am excited about bringing you more details on that as they arrive! We have a great location some talented actors and makeup people involved, and a pretty awesome creature actor attached.

TC: What kind of part do you play?
KS: In "The Red House", I play Chelsea, a ditzy but good-hearted New Age enthusiast.  She's friends with the main character, Shelby, and the girlfriend of Travis, the only male of the small group of friends that are staying at the house.  Chelsea is all about auras and power crystals and reading energy, and she senses something "wrong" with the Red House before anyone else does.  She was a great character to play, very free-spirited and fun , but quite serious about her New Age beliefs.  She's funny and endearing at the same time.

TC: When will it be out?
KS: There will be a screening of it soon, but it depends on the distributors when it opens wide.

TC: So how long have you been a fan of Twisted Central?
KS: I first noticed Twisted Central in 2011. While working on "The Red House" I started researching horror more as a genre, watching more films, and checking out Fangoria and horror websites and blogs.

TC: Do you have anything else you would like to say to the fans of Twisted Central?
I love horror and fans or all things scary! I will be promoting some projects at the Long Beach Comic and Horror Con in early November. I am also co-producing and acting in a web series about cosplayers called "Just Cos". I get to wear a lot of fun and sexy outfits, so check that out! And please follow me on Twitter, and subscibe to me on YouTube and blogger! I want to keep you all up to date on my films and projects!

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