
11 March 2012

Familiar 2012 (Short Film) Review

It seems like just when you think you have everything you want in life is when the urge to want more creeps up on ya.  Some people just can't be content with what they have.  That's when life starts to take a turn for the worse.  Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!

It's another monotonous morning in the life of John Dodd (Robert Nolan).  Robert gets up and gets ready for work while his wife Charlotte (Astirda Auza) makes breakfast.  Robert is telling himself that when his daughter Jordan (Cathryn Hostick) leaves for College he is going to pull out his savings and buy a new truck and just leave. That night Roberts wife tells him she is pregnant and now he thinks he is stuck again.  Looking on the Internet for a way to have an abortion without her knowing.  He finds a pill that will cause an abortion.  Will the voice in Roberts head tell him to abort this baby?  Or will Robert take over for himself and do the right thing.

Familiar is a 20 minute short film that is very well written.  There is not much dialogue between the characters, but the entire film is narrated by the main character Robert.  This adds to the creepiness of the film.  Most of the narration is almost in a whisper.  The acting is not what you would expect from a short.  It seems that all three characters in the film are experienced actors and do a fine job displaying their talents.  The film does have some twist and turns that keeps you interested to what will happen next.  I found myself glued to my Tablet not able to look up till it was over.

I was very impressed with Familiar.  From the acting, to the storyline, and the twists.  It all was very appealing to my horror appetite.  The main character played by Robert Nolan was so dark and creepy that i could not get over the fact that I have never seen him in any other movie before.  He does have a resume that is building and I would not be surprised to see him in some major motion pictures in the future.  This is more of a psychological and methodical horror movie than say your traditional slasher movie.  Its good to give the brain an exercise every once in a while.  Stay twisted everyone!

1 comment:

  1. A few weeks ago I had the honor of watching FAMILIAR and it totally blew me away - one of the greatest horror shorts I've ever seen.

    Director Powell also sent me his other short WORM, with Robert Nolan playing the brother of John Dodd. Gonna watch it today or tomorrow - excited!

    btw, great review!
