
30 September 2022

Black Phone (2021)- REVIEW


Well, well, well.  After another hiatus, just a few years, we are back to tackle some movie reviews that we think you guys would want to know about.  It's not that we lost our passion for horror or writing, life just happens sometimes and you find yourself with less and less time to do the things you really want to focus on.  Adulting is fucking bullshit!  I know I can speak for myself and Tammy when I say we missed you guys and we are going to try and deliver the experience and news that we used to back in the day.  All that being said, lets take a look at Black Phone.

 Set in 1978, in Denver, Co there is a child abductor on the loose.  Kids are disappearing with not many clues left behind and anyone who is taken is never found again.  The only thing being left behind at the scene are black balloons.  Finney Blake, our main character, finds himself as one of the abducted locked in a basement and being looked after by a masked man who is deeply disturbed.

The only things that are in this basement is a mattress on the floor and a black phone on the wall.  Calls soon start coming in from this phone from previous victims of the kidnapper.  Each one giving some kind of clue trying to help Finney get out of this nightmare.

I really think Blumhouse knocked this one out of the park.  They came up with something that is suspenseful and original which isn't something that horror movies have been able to produce on a regular basis in the past 10 years. 

Ethan Hawke gives a great performance as always.  I don't think I have seen him in a movie that I didn't like.  The creepy kidnapper, he just nails it.  He even creeped me out a few times and that is a hard thing to do.  The acting in general was good, good story and atmosphere.  I highly recommend checking this one out if you haven't already.  

There you have it.  Straight from my mouth to your computer screen.  I believe this is still in theaters or maybe on its way out by now but it is streaming on Peacock, which is where i saw it.  There are so many streaming services out there right now making it easier and easier to see everything you could ever want to and maybe some things you wish you hadn't.  This is one you definitely want to see. Till next time.  

Stay Twisted everyone!!



27 September 2022

Come to Daddy 2019 - REVIEW


Okay, okay, I get it… we dropped off the map for (literally) years but there were extenuating circumstances. I’ve been busy with animal rescue stuff and J.R. has been promoted several times, increasing his work load BUT, we’re hoping to make a comeback now! 

Anyone who has followed me on Twitter or Facebook knows that for the past couple of years, we have been doing interactive movie nights. We pick a movie, build props to match and drop guests right in the middle of it. In the past, I’ve chosen movies that would be well received, based on our audience, but I kinda ran out of those. The last couple of weeks, I’ve been watching movies trying to pick something everyone would enjoy… which leads me to Come to Daddy.

Norval Greenwood (Elijah Wood) is an underachieving former alcoholic who receives a letter from his estranged father (Stephen McHattie) asking him to come for a visit. Curious about who his father really is, Norval makes the trip to his secluded, scenic waterfront house. Upon arrival, he is perplexed to meet an angry alcoholic father who seems uninterested in getting to know him. Before long, his father’s behavior becomes increasingly more concerning. That coupled with the strange noises coming from inside the house, drive him spiraling further and further into despair.

Let’s get a few of things straight here… 1) I LOVE both Stephen McHattie and Elijah Wood and it’s no surprise that they each give pretty stellar performances. 2) Phenomenal actors and good cinematography alone DO NOT make a good film. Just when I’m about to give up, Garfield Wilson and Martin Donovan come in with, what I’m assuming is the “comedic” part of the film, and all I can do is sit and watch even more wasted talent. When you’re lucky enough to get stars of this caliber and you waste their talents on a subpar film, it’s quite angering. 

Billed as a horror/comedy I expected a lot given the cast and reviews but I can honestly say I was more than disappointed. The film itself drags on and on with very little action to speak of. The only real points of suspense left me smacking my forehead and rubbing my temples wondering why I ever turned it on to begin with. Not only was it a waste of talent, but a complete and total waste of 96 minutes of time. In fact, I think I’d rather take the spam call about my cars extended warranty than ever even think of this movie again. Watch it at your own risk but don’t say I didn’t warn you beforehand.